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Tai Chi Is a Workout for the Brain and Body
The mental and physical benefits span cultures and generations. Here’s how to get started.
By Cindy Kuzma, NY Times
“Parting the Wild Horse’s Mane.” “Wave Hands Like Clouds.” “Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain.” These are not song titles or poems. Rather, they’re the deceptively complex movements of tai chi.
With around 250 million practitioners around the globe, tai chi is often cited as one of the world’s most popular physical activities. It originated in China in the 17th century as a martial art. Unlike karate or taekwondo, tai chi focuses on quiet strength rather than combat, which makes it more accessible to older adults or those who have been injured.
Shirley Chock, 48, began practicing in her 20s, after she tore her A.C.L. She had previously trained in wushu kung fu, a more acrobatic martial art that caused the tear, but tai chi offered a low-impact way to rehab. The former financial professional, who was born in New York and spent her childhood in Taiwan, also found tai chi beneficial in managing stress and conflict. After about two years, she began teaching, and eventually took over Aiping Tai Chi, the Connecticut school where she had trained. Full Article